There's nothing like smelling a fresh tray of chocolate chip cookies in the oven. It's such a powerful scent that sometimes real estate agents will put a tray in the oven during open houses to entice people to buy the home. It smells like a safe, warm, cozy day full of loved ones and relaxation. Scent is a powerful thing since we often hear about how closely related to memory it is.
Have you ever gotten a whiff of something that made your brain say "October 2007. Minneapolis. Lunch with my cousins." That memory may have been long dormant but it can get reignited in an instant. It's amazing what a certain smell can trigger in your synapses. Unfortunately, memes don't have a smell. But if they did, these ones would smell like warm vanilla, pungent passionfruit, and a hug from your dearest grandmother. So go on, get scrolling, and think of all the good memories you're creating.
Have you ever gotten a whiff of something that made your brain say "October 2007. Minneapolis. Lunch with my cousins." That memory may have been long dormant but it can get reignited in an instant. It's amazing what a certain smell can trigger in your synapses. Unfortunately, memes don't have a smell. But if they did, these ones would smell like warm vanilla, pungent passionfruit, and a hug from your dearest grandmother. So go on, get scrolling, and think of all the good memories you're creating.