Running a carpool can either be fun or miserable. I was very happy to drive my high school sweetheart to school our senior year because they literally lived a 1-minute drive away from me. I got to hang out with them every morning, get angry at the local radio hosts together, and get socialized for the day. While I did feel guilty the week I had the flu and was unable to drive them, they were able to take the good old, reliable school bus home. Not everybody has alternatives when their ride for work is unavailable.
This story follows a woman in a bit of a conundrum. She can't drive; the closest driving school to her is an hour away, and her carpool driver is about to go on maternity leave. She's running out of options, so she asks her coworker if her husband can drive her to work instead, and she can't understand why she would take offense to this request.
This story follows a woman in a bit of a conundrum. She can't drive; the closest driving school to her is an hour away, and her carpool driver is about to go on maternity leave. She's running out of options, so she asks her coworker if her husband can drive her to work instead, and she can't understand why she would take offense to this request.