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🚀 Crypto [Pro Signal] Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) Price Prediction



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A public beta test was launched for the Hedera Hashgraph network, a distributed registry with a declared throughput of 10,000 transactions per second. The platform also launched its own Hedera Hashgraph cryptocurrency HBAR as well as a service for smart contracts and file storage. Additionally, there are already over three dozen applications already operating on its basis.

Hedera Hashgraph Review​

Hashgraph, the HBAR blockchain, is a more efficient alternative to blockchain. It is also a distributed registry, but one that uses a different way of writing blocks.

Instead of a clear sequence of blocks (blockchain), the hashgraph uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which records information in a non-linear way, without a sequential chain of blocks.

Cryptocurrencies such as IOTA, Byteball and Tangle are already operating on the basis of DAG. Thanks to DAG, the hashgraph promises all the advantages of the blockchain, but without its drawback in the form of low transaction speed.

In its most general form, a hashgraph consensus works as follows:

  • network participants (nodes) exchange data via the Gossip protocol
  • transaction information is sent to two random nodes, transmitting them, in turn, to two other
  • nodes, and so on exponentially, until the number of informed nodes is enough to verify the transaction
  • nodes exchange only transaction data with each other, and not all information about the network, while information is stored not in blocks, but in hashes – therefore, everything happens much faster than in the blockchain
  • transactions are recorded in chronological order, so you can track their history.

The hash algorithm was developed and patented in 2016 by the American mathematician Leemon Baird. Algorithm rights are owned by Swirlds, co-founded and developed by Baird.

Swirlds technology was spotted by U.S. banks in October 2017, the National Credit Union Association (CUNA) and Mountain West Credit Union Association (MWCUA), which formed a consortium of 6,000 banks, selected Swirlds to create a common corporate network. Success allowed them to separate the project into a separate platform: Hedera Hashgraph Platform. Swirlds granted Hedera Hashgraph an exclusive license, under which the company will receive 10% of Hedera Hashgraph’s revenue.

Hedera Hashgraph is a public platform of Baird’s patented hashgraph. From March to August 2018, the project was conducted by ICO, raising $ 124 million. Closed testing of the network began in December 2018. The code was checked by several audit companies, but only now the developers have begun public testing.

Hedera Hashgraph currently offers three products: a cryptocurrency, smart contracts, and a file service. Any user can create an account on the network, open an account or create dApps based on Hedera Hashgraph, having passed the KYC test.

The network supports up to 10,000 transactions per second, and its transaction confirmation time is 3-5 seconds. Smart contracts and file services are also available on the Hedera Hashgraph network, but so far their throughput is up to 10 transactions per second, while the declared speeds will gradually increase, and the average transaction fee will be $0.0001.

Hedera Hashgraph Overview​

Hedera Statistics
Hedera Price
Hedera Price Change 24h
Hedera Price Change 7d
Hedera Market cap
Hedera Circulating Supply
33,678,813,527 HBAR
Hedera Trading Volume
Hedera All time high
Hedera All time low
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Hedera Prediction Table​

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum PricePotential ROI
February$0.0809 $0.0894 $0.0920
March$0.0878 $0.0912 $0.0965
April$0.0905 $0.0940 $0.1010
May$0.0934 $0.0968 $0.1057
June$0.0954 $0.0997 $0.1106
July$0.0984 $0.1027 $0.1155
August$0.1005 $0.1047 $0.1207
September$0.1046 $0.1089 $0.1249
October$0.1099 $0.1133 $0.1292
November$0.1135 $0.1178 $0.1337
December$0.1167 $0.1201 $0.1396
All Time$0.0992 $0.104 $0.115

Choose a year

Hedera Historical​

Hedera Price Prediction 2024

According to the technical analysis of Hedera prices expected in 2024, the minimum cost of Hedera will be $$0.1167. The maximum level that the HBAR price can reach is $$0.1396. The average trading price is expected around $$0.1201.

Potential ROI: 28.5%

HBAR Price Forecast for February 2024

Based on the price fluctuations of Hedera at the beginning of 2023, crypto experts expect the average HBAR rate of $$0.0894 in February 2024. Its minimum and maximum prices can be expected at $$0.0809 and at $$0.0920, respectively.

Potential ROI: -15.3%

March 2024: Hedera Price Forecast

Cryptocurrency experts are ready to announce their forecast for the HBAR price in March 2024. The minimum trading cost might be $$0.0878, while the maximum might reach $$0.0965 during this month. On average, it is expected that the value of Hedera might be around $$0.0912.

Potential ROI: -11.1%

HBAR Price Forecast for April 2024

Crypto analysts have checked the price fluctuations of Hedera in 2023 and in previous years, so the average HBAR rate they predict might be around $$0.0940 in April 2024. It can drop to $$0.0905 as a minimum. The maximum value might be $$0.1010.

Potential ROI: -7%

May 2024: Hedera Price Forecast

In the middle of the year 2023, the HBAR price will be traded at $$0.0968 on average. May 2024 might also witness an increase in the Hedera value to $$0.1057. It is assumed that the price will not drop lower than $$0.0934 in May 2024.

Potential ROI: -2.7%

HBAR Price Forecast for June 2024

Crypto experts have analyzed Hedera prices in 2023, so they are ready to provide their estimated trading average for June 2024 — $$0.0997. The lowest and peak HBAR rates might be $$0.0954 and $$0.1106.

Potential ROI: 1.8%

July 2024: Hedera Price Forecast

Crypto analysts expect that at the end of summer 2023, the HBAR price will be around $$0.1027. In July 2024, the Hedera cost may drop to a minimum of $$0.0984. The expected peak value might be $$0.1155 in July 2024.

Potential ROI: 6.4%

HBAR Price Forecast for August 2024

Having analyzed Hedera prices, cryptocurrency experts expect that the HBAR rate might reach a maximum of $$0.1207 in August 2024. It might, however, drop to $$0.1005. For August 2024, the forecasted average of Hedera is nearly $$0.1047.

Potential ROI: 11.1%

September 2024: Hedera Price Forecast

In the middle of autumn 2023, the Hedera cost will be traded at the average level of $$0.1089. Crypto analysts expect that in September 2024, the HBAR price might fluctuate between $$0.1046 and $$0.1249.

Potential ROI: 15%

HBAR Price Forecast for October 2024

Market experts expect that in October 2024, the Hedera value will not drop below a minimum of $$0.1099. The maximum peak expected this month is $$0.1292. The estimated average trading value will be at the level of $$0.1133.

Potential ROI: 19%

November 2024: Hedera Price Forecast

Cryptocurrency experts have carefully analyzed the range of HBAR prices throughout 2023. For November 2024, their forecast is the following: the maximum trading value of Hedera will be around $$0.1337, with a possibility of dropping to a minimum of $$0.1135. In November 2024, the average cost will be $$0.1178.

Potential ROI: 23.1%

HBAR Price Forecast for December 2024

Market analysts predict that Hedera will not fall below $$0.1167 in December 2024, with a chance of peaking at $$0.1396 in the same month. The average trading value is expected to be $$0.1201.

Potential ROI: 28.5%

Hedera Price Prediction 2025

After the analysis of the prices of Hedera in previous years, it is assumed that in 2025, the minimum price of Hedera will be around $$0.1669. The maximum expected HBAR price may be around $$0.2041. On average, the trading price might be $$0.1729 in 2025.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2025$0.121$0.125$0.145
February 2025$0.125$0.129$0.150
March 2025$0.129$0.133$0.156
April 2025$0.133$0.138$0.161
May 2025$0.138$0.142$0.166
June 2025$0.142$0.147$0.172
July 2025$0.146$0.151$0.177
August 2025$0.150$0.155$0.183
September 2025$0.154$0.160$0.188
October 2025$0.159$0.164$0.193
November 2025$0.163$0.169$0.199
December 2025$0.167$0.173$0.204

Potential ROI: 87.9%

Hedera Price Prediction 2026

Based on the technical analysis by cryptocurrency experts regarding the prices of Hedera, in 2026, HBAR is expected to have the following minimum and maximum prices: about $$0.2517 and $$0.2958, respectively. The average expected trading cost is $$0.2586.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2026$0.174$0.180$0.212
February 2026$0.181$0.187$0.219
March 2026$0.188$0.194$0.227
April 2026$0.195$0.201$0.235
May 2026$0.202$0.209$0.242
June 2026$0.209$0.216$0.250
July 2026$0.216$0.223$0.258
August 2026$0.223$0.230$0.265
September 2026$0.231$0.237$0.273
October 2026$0.238$0.244$0.281
November 2026$0.245$0.251$0.288
December 2026$0.252$0.259$0.296

Potential ROI: 172.4%

Hedera Price Prediction 2027

The experts in the field of cryptocurrency have analyzed the prices of Hedera and their fluctuations during the previous years. It is assumed that in 2027, the minimum HBAR price might drop to $$0.3546, while its maximum can reach $$0.4367. On average, the trading cost will be around $$0.3649.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2027$0.260$0.267$0.308
February 2027$0.269$0.276$0.319
March 2027$0.277$0.285$0.331
April 2027$0.286$0.294$0.343
May 2027$0.295$0.303$0.355
June 2027$0.303$0.312$0.366
July 2027$0.312$0.321$0.378
August 2027$0.320$0.329$0.390
September 2027$0.329$0.338$0.401
October 2027$0.337$0.347$0.413
November 2027$0.346$0.356$0.425
December 2027$0.355$0.365$0.437

Potential ROI: 302.1%

Hedera Price Prediction 2028

Based on the analysis of the costs of Hedera by crypto experts, the following maximum and minimum HBAR prices are expected in 2028: $$0.6113 and $$0.4819. On average, it will be traded at $$0.5001.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2028$0.365$0.376$0.451
February 2028$0.376$0.387$0.466
March 2028$0.386$0.399$0.480
April 2028$0.397$0.410$0.495
May 2028$0.408$0.421$0.509
June 2028$0.418$0.433$0.524
July 2028$0.429$0.444$0.539
August 2028$0.439$0.455$0.553
September 2028$0.450$0.466$0.568
October 2028$0.461$0.478$0.582
November 2028$0.471$0.489$0.597
December 2028$0.482$0.500$0.611

Potential ROI: 462.9%

Hedera Price Prediction 2029

Crypto experts are constantly analyzing the fluctuations of Hedera. Based on their predictions, the estimated average HBAR price will be around $$0.7482. It might drop to a minimum of $$0.7282, but it still might reach $$0.8549 throughout 2029.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2029$0.502$0.521$0.632
February 2029$0.523$0.541$0.652
March 2029$0.543$0.562$0.672
April 2029$0.564$0.583$0.693
May 2029$0.585$0.603$0.713
June 2029$0.605$0.624$0.733
July 2029$0.626$0.645$0.753
August 2029$0.646$0.666$0.774
September 2029$0.667$0.686$0.794
October 2029$0.687$0.707$0.814
November 2029$0.708$0.728$0.835
December 2029$0.728$0.748$0.855

Potential ROI: 687.2%

Hedera Price Prediction 2030

Every year, cryptocurrency experts prepare forecasts for the price of Hedera. It is estimated that HBAR will be traded between $$1.08 and $$1.27 in 2030. Its average cost is expected at around $$1.12 during the year.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2030$0.758$0.779$0.889
February 2030$0.787$0.810$0.924
March 2030$0.816$0.841$0.959
April 2030$0.845$0.872$0.993
May 2030$0.875$0.903$1.03
June 2030$0.904$0.934$1.06
July 2030$0.933$0.965$1.10
August 2030$0.963$0.996$1.13
September 2030$0.992$1.03$1.17
October 2030$1.02$1.06$1.20
November 2030$1.05$1.09$1.24
December 2030$1.08$1.12$1.27

Potential ROI: 1069.4%

Hedera Price Prediction 2031

Cryptocurrency analysts are ready to announce their estimations of the Hedera’s price. The year 2031 will be determined by the maximum HBAR price of $$1.91. However, its rate might drop to around $$1.60. So, the expected average trading price is $$1.66.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2031$1.12$1.17$1.32
February 2031$1.17$1.21$1.38
March 2031$1.21$1.26$1.43
April 2031$1.25$1.30$1.48
May 2031$1.30$1.35$1.54
June 2031$1.34$1.39$1.59
July 2031$1.38$1.44$1.64
August 2031$1.43$1.48$1.70
September 2031$1.47$1.53$1.75
October 2031$1.51$1.57$1.80
November 2031$1.56$1.62$1.86
December 2031$1.60$1.66$1.91

Potential ROI: 1658.7%

Hedera Price Prediction 2032

After years of analysis of the Hedera price, crypto experts are ready to provide their HBAR cost estimation for 2032. It will be traded for at least $$2.28, with the possible maximum peaks at $$2.75. Therefore, on average, you can expect the HBAR price to be around $$2.36 in 2032.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2032$1.66$1.72$1.98
February 2032$1.71$1.78$2.05
March 2032$1.77$1.84$2.12
April 2032$1.83$1.89$2.19
May 2032$1.88$1.95$2.26
June 2032$1.94$2.01$2.33
July 2032$2$2.07$2.40
August 2032$2.05$2.13$2.47
September 2032$2.11$2.19$2.54
October 2032$2.17$2.24$2.61
November 2032$2.22$2.30$2.68
December 2032$2.28$2.36$2.75

Potential ROI: 2432.2%

Hedera Price Prediction 2033

Cryptocurrency analysts are ready to announce their estimations of the Hedera’s price. The year 2033 will be determined by the maximum HBAR price of $$3.96. However, its rate might drop to around $$3.25. So, the expected average trading price is $$3.37.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2033$2.36$2.44$2.85
February 2033$2.44$2.53$2.95
March 2033$2.52$2.61$3.05
April 2033$2.60$2.70$3.15
May 2033$2.68$2.78$3.25
June 2033$2.77$2.87$3.36
July 2033$2.85$2.95$3.46
August 2033$2.93$3.03$3.56
September 2033$3.01$3.12$3.66
October 2033$3.09$3.20$3.76
November 2033$3.17$3.29$3.86
December 2033$3.25$3.37$3.96

Potential ROI: 3546.4%

Hedera Price Prediction 2040

According to the technical analysis of Hedera prices expected in 2040, the minimum cost of Hedera will be $$63.57. The maximum level that the HBAR price can reach is $$75.42. The average trading price is expected around $$67.51.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2040$8.28$8.72$9.92
February 2040$13.30$14.06$15.87
March 2040$18.33$19.41$21.83
April 2040$23.36$24.75$27.78
May 2040$28.38$30.10$33.74
June 2040$33.41$35.44$39.69
July 2040$38.44$40.79$45.65
August 2040$43.46$46.13$51.60
September 2040$48.49$51.48$57.56
October 2040$53.52$56.82$63.51
November 2040$58.54$62.17$69.47
December 2040$63.57$67.51$75.42

Potential ROI: 69347.5%

Hedera Price Prediction 2050

After the analysis of the prices of Hedera in previous years, it is assumed that in 2050, the minimum price of Hedera will be around $$97.24. The maximum expected HBAR price may be around $$108.82. On average, the trading price might be $$100.64 in 2050.

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
January 2050$66.38$70.27$78.20
February 2050$69.18$73.03$80.99
March 2050$71.99$75.79$83.77
April 2050$74.79$78.55$86.55
May 2050$77.60$81.31$89.34
June 2050$80.41$84.08$92.12
July 2050$83.21$86.84$94.90
August 2050$86.02$89.60$97.69
September 2050$88.82$92.36$100.47
October 2050$91.63$95.12$103.25
November 2050$94.43$97.88$106.04
December 2050$97.24$100.64$108.82

Potential ROI: 100102.6%

According to the technical analysis performed by Trading View, based on the 3 most popular technical indicators (Moving Averages, Oscillators and Pivots), the current rating for Hedera Hashgraph is “Buy”, indicating a clear bullish trend. This shows that the current price of HBAR is not its peak and Hedera Hashgraph has a chance to rise in the future.

As always, we have to warn you that you should take all crypto price predictions with a grain of salt. That includes our HBAR price prediction. The crypto market is simply too volatile and the industry too unpredictable for any concrete predictions to be made.

That said, it is still possible to make some estimates as to what each coin or token’s potential could be. How low can they go? How high?

Although everything is possible, we do not think that the Hedera Hashgraph price has a chance to reach $100 in the near future. However, this cryptocurrency still has some good long-term prospects. Its previous price action indicates that HBAR coin is likely to experience some slow but consistent growth over the next few years, and may even go up to as high as $3 – at least if the most optimistic Hedera Hashgraph forecast is to be believed.

Keep in mind that we make general predictions about the average future price a cryptocurrency may reach during a given year. A coin’s price may go up to $100 in May and crash to $1 in July of the same year, and its average price for that year would be $50.

Here are our predictions for the average prices Hedera Hashgraph may reach in the coming years.

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Hedera Hashgraph Price Forecast​

Frequently Asked Questions​

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Is Hedera Hashgraph a good investment?​

If you’re looking for a relatively risky asset that you can rely on to provide steady profit in the long run but that also has the potential for explosive growth, then Hedera Hashgraph can potentially be a good choice for you and profitable investment.

This project has over 3 million daily transactions – an impressive number that shows that there are plenty of people interested in using both the Hedera Hashgraph platform and its cryptocurrency.

Overall, there are many signs pointing towards HBAR being a good investment. However, before you invest in it or any other digital asset, you should do your own research and consider whether it’s a good fit for your portfolio or not. Articles like this one are not intended to be and should not be seen as investment advice.

You can sell and buy Hedera Hashgraph on Changelly. Find a crypto wallet that you can store your new HBAR in here or right within the article.

Will HBAR go up in 2021?​

According to our Hedera Hashgraph price prediction, unless some extreme price movements happen, HBAR price should continue its climb upwards in 2021. The cryptocurrency currently has a strong “buy” sentiment as per Trading View, which means its price still has room to grow.

Please beware that although our Hedera Hashgraph forecast and many other HBAR price predictions are saying that this cryptocurrency will go up in 2021, this may not be the case. Additionally, please note that when we do an HBAR price analysis or prediction, we talk about the general trend we think that the cryptocurrency will follow, not the highest and the lowest price it will reach in a given time period.

The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, and if you’re making long-term investments, we advise you to ignore short-term cryptocurrency price movements and instead look at the bigger picture.

Is Hashgraph the future?​

Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology that has been named by many as the successor to blockchains. Despite the benefits it provides, like high transaction speed, it doesn’t seem like Hashgraph has the potential to overtake blockchain technology in the near future. For one, it still hasn’t found widespread popularity despite having been released back in 2017.

A modified and updated version of Hashgraph may find popularity and success in the future, but we think it is not possible for Hashgraph to completely overtake blockchains.

Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this article are not financial or investing advice. The information provided in this article is the author’s opinion only and should not be considered as offering trading or investing recommendations. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. The cryptocurrency market suffers from high volatility and occasional arbitrary movements. Any investor, trader, or regular crypto users should research multiple viewpoints and be familiar with all local regulations before committing to an investment.

The post Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) Price Prediction appeared first on Cryptocurrency News & Trading Tips – Crypto Blog by Changelly.

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